Co-Founder and CEO Hackquarters
Kaan Akin graduated from Sabancı University and has a degree Mechatronics Engineering and Mathematics. After his graduation, he worked at multinational technology companies such as Boatbookings.com and Yandex, a multinational fast-moving consumer company like PepsiCo, and investment funds like Arkony. Kaan Akin, who mainly worked in fields of Product Management, Innovation, Marketing and Strategy, is one of the founding partners of TRAngels Angel Investment Network and is also the founder of the company with the trade name Hackquarters Girişim Hızlandırma ve Kurumsal İnovasyon. He has touched over 100 business enterprises so far thanks to programs made by him and continues his career as the shareholder in more than 10 companies. In addition, he continues to render consulting services and act as the country representative at global technology companies such as SXSW, Seedstars, International Accelerator and Founder Institute.