Aaron Stanton


Aaron, VR sektöründe danışmanlık yapan bir yatırımcıdır ve VR Sağlık Enstitüsü’nün kurucusu ve yöneticisidir. Daha önce, 2014 yılında Apple’a satılan teknoloji tabanlı kitap analiz platformu BookLamp’i kurmuş ve yöneticiliğini üstlenmiştir. (https://techcrunch.com/2014/07/25/apple-booklamp/).

Ayrıca Aaron, QuiVr’ın (SteamVR’de çok oyunculu oyunlar arasında ilk 20’de yer almaktadır) İdari Yapımcısı, VR Caretakers’ta üst düzey yönetici olarak ve VR Arcades için içerik sağlayan en büyük dağıtım ağı SpringboardVR’nin Yönetim Kurulu’nda yer almaktadır. .

Aaron Stanton, bugüne kadar Londra, New York, Hong Kong, Almanya, Japonya ve Danimarka gibi yerlerde ve ayrıca Stanford Üniversitesi gibi kurumlarda teknolojik bozulma, oyun endüstrisi ve start-up’lar hakkında konuşmalar yaptı. Çalışmaları CNN, Mashable, TechCrunch, FastCompany, Popular Science, Macworld, Wired Magazine, CNET, Gigaom, ZDNET, PC World Magazine, NPR, Huffington Post, Seattle Times, ABC News gibi platformlarda yayınlandı..


Aaron is a mentor and investor in the VR industry, and the founder and director of the VR Health Institute. Previously, he was founder and CEO of BookLamp, a technology-based book analysis platform that was sold to Apple in 2014 (https://techcrunch.com/2014/07/25/apple-booklamp/). 

In addition, Aaron is also the Chief Gatherer at VR Caretakers, Executive Producer of QuiVr (currently a top 20 multiplayer game on SteamVR), and sits on the Board of Directors for SpringboardVR, the largest distribution network of content for VR Arcades in North America. 

Aaron has had the honor of speaking on technology disruption, gaming, and start-ups in places like London, New York, Hong Kong, Germany, Japan, and Denmark, as well as institutions like Stanford University. His work has been profiled by CNN, Mashable, TechCrunch, FastCompany, Popular Science, Macworld, Wired Magazine, CNET, Gigaom, ZDNET, PC World Magazine, NPR, the Huffington Post, the Seattle Times, ABC News, and others.

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